The Book of My Life

I finally bought the mythology book!!


Okay, i did exaggerate the title a little, but the book is just so cool and i promise i will treasure it for the rest of my life!! Well, that and because it's super pricey. Either way, it's now one of my treasures.

Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya gw punya buku tentang mitologi juga!! Akhirnyaaaa~ Senangnya hatiku, turun panas demamkuu~ AHAHAHAHAHAH *don't mind me for being a loco*

Now, i just have to find a book about Norse Mythology and/or about Egypt Mythology and my life will be complete. No, not really complete, but pretty close.

Sekian ah.

. . .


No, really.


Ana said...

wiii akhirnya beli buku mahal juga.. hahahha

traktir dong berarti :)

orangebeyondblue said...

iya nih, terpaksa beli daripada kepikiran terus *alasan*

justru karna abis beli buku mahal, jadi miskin mendadak, hahahahaha

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